They had me at Weird too!

I adore you both so much! Well, I adore Teri Leigh, Sherry, and Ryan. You all are the best and I seriously can't wait to get in the Creator Retreatttt

I have a big smile :)

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I adore you Sam and can’t wait!❤️

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Reading this puts a smile on my face, Teri.

I love how you never felt like you fit in until you turned inward, surrendered and accepted your uniqueness.

And now, with The Creator Retreat we have an opportunity to help others learn to appreciate, embrace and share their one-of-a-kind selves with the world without having to explain, apologize or defend themselves.

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This post was written by Sherry of Momtemplative!

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Thanks for pointing that out. You're a terrific writer, Sherry.

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Sherry! oh the pain of someone reading your private thoughts. When I was a kid, I used to hide my journal in different places, and my mom would move it. I never knew if she actually read it, but the fact that she would be in my room and move it was devastating to me! Nothing was just mine. I'm so sorry your sister did that to you.

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Reminds me of when my stepfather told my 13 year old self that it’s okay that I’m not beautiful because smart girls have it easier. Crazy how those words stuck for a lifetime.

The retreat sounds amazing. But my first thought was that I’m just too ordinary. I appreciate how you all embrace your uniqueness!

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Beth! 🤗 I can relate so much and that's why I'm stepping in to spaces where I can just be me. With others who embrace and support you. Hoping you do this for yourself and silence those voices. ❤️ your publication is about being curious, so be curious, apply and see what happens.😉

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Good point!

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I have yet to read AIW but is on my long list of reads. Love to see your perspective on it as a sacred text.

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Here's the amazon link to my book Yoga Wonderland.

A side note, on our first date, Hobbit called AAIW a sacred text. I'd never heard of it described that way, and I totally agreed, and it is part of why I fell in love with him that day. https://a.co/d/9fN96ye

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and just so you know, I consider Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to be a sacred text and it is one of my favorite go-to books. I've read it dozens of times, and I even wrote a yoga book following the whole story!

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No one is too ordinary! Everyone has a weirdness. We’d love to have you apply!

Also, I agree with your stepfather, and I disagree with him at the same time. Smart girls do have it easier...BECAUSE SMART IS BEAUTIFUL. I hope your 13yo self can hear that.

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